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Sound healing treatments are crafted to help you reconnect, with your inner being, release energetic blockages, physically and emotionally, reaching a state of deep relaxation and inner peace.

Private 1:1 Individual Sound Healing Treatment

Treatment Therapy Space or In the privacy of your home *(surcharge applies)

An integrative therapy harnesses the power of harmonising vibrational frequencies to restore balance, inner calm, and healing on all levels of your being.

1:1 Integral Sound Therapy

60 minutes  $130

90 minutes $180


Sound Healing is approached as a holistic journey, deeply connecting with your body’s natural rhythms and energies.

Using instruments intuitively on and around the body in the Biofield to support your wellbeing.

Balancing physical, emotional, and spiritual energy while restoring energy flow.

Integral Sound Healing is a holistic approach to treating a person as a whole, going beyond symptoms and management, integrating techniques and methodologies based on the five elements of consciousness.

Artfully facilitating soothing sounds from a diverse ensemble of sacred instruments from Tibetan Singing Bowls to Tuning Forks, Crystal Singing Bowls, Gongs, Drums and the voice, carefully curated to resonate deeply to nurture and align your body’s energy centre, guiding you to profound balance and wellness.

Activating brainwave states supporting deep relaxation, stimulating the vagus nerve- activating the parasympathetic nervous system to the rest and digest state, and regulating the nervous system.  

When the body induces a deeply relaxing state, such as through Brain wave entrainment, Vagus nerve activation  with holistic practises such as Sound Healing  supports  physiological responses that promote healing, deep rest and rejuvenation with profound benefits:

1. Stress Reduction: induce states of deep relaxation, helping to alleviate stress and promote a sense of calmness.

2. Improved Focus and Concentration: By synchronising brainwave patterns, techniques may enhance cognitive function, leading to improved focus, concentration, and mental clarity.

3. Enhanced Mood: Frequencies have been associated with mood enhancement, potentially offering relief from symptoms of anxiety, depression, and mood disorders.

4. Better Sleep: Sound Healing methods can regulate brainwave activity, promoting better sleep quality and potentially alleviating insomnia or sleep disturbances.

Releasing melatonin, a naturally produced sleep hormone.

5. Pain Management: Some research suggests that Sound Healing techniques may help reduce perceptions of pain, complementing a non-pharmacological approach to pain management.

6. Increased Creativity: Linked to states of heightened creativity and problem-solving abilities, potentially fostering innovation and inspiration.

7. Mindfulness and Meditation: Facilitating the induction of meditative states, supporting achievement of deep states of mindfulness and inner peace.

A versatile tool for optimising mental, physical and emotional well-being, promoting relaxation, focus, creativity, and overall cognitive function.

Facilitating healing and transformation.


Wellness In Schools


Let’s connect to create something unique and beautiful for you

Welcome to our Sound Healing Program for School Wellbeing

At Ann Steyn Sound Healing we prioritise the holistic wellbeing of your entire school community, including students, teachers, and staff.

I am thrilled to introduce our innovative Sound Healing Program as part of your comprehensive wellbeing programme initiative.

What is Sound Healing?

Sound Healing is an ancient practice that utilises the therapeutic power of sound vibrations  and frequencies to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance overall wellbeing.

Through the use of various instruments such as singing bowls, gongs, chimes, drums and the power of the voice being guided into a state of deep relaxation and inner harmony.

Benefits of Sound Healing for Students, Teachers, and Staff Our Sound Healing Program offers numerous benefits for all members of your school community, including:

1. Stress Reduction: Sound Healing helps participants release tension and stress,  promoting a sense of calm and tranquillity in both professional and personal lives.

2.  Improved Focus and Productivity: By engaging in regular sound meditation  sessions, teachers and staff can enhance their ability to concentrate, leading to increased productivity and job satisfaction.

3. Emotional Wellbeing: Sound vibrations can help participants regulate their emotions, fostering a positive and balanced emotional state, which is crucial for maintaining a supportive and healthy school environment.

4. Enhanced Connection and Collaboration: Sound Healing supports a sense of connection and unity among teachers, staff, and students, creating a more cohesive and supportive school community.

Navigating your Sound Experience

As your certified Sound Healing facilitator I will lead participants through immersive sound experiences, creating a safe and supportive environment for relaxation and introspection. Sessions are tailored to meet the unique needs of students, teachers and staff, providing valuable tools to manage stress and enhance their overall wellbeing.

The Sound Healing Program can be seamlessly integrated into professional development opportunities for teachers and staff, offering a unique approach to self-care and stress management. Prioritising the wellbeing of educators, creating a positive and nurturing learning environment for students, teachers and staff.

We invite all members of your school community, including students, teachers, and staff, to participate in our Sound Healing Program and experience the transformative power of sound for themselves. Whether you’re looking to reduce stress, improve focus, or simply unwind after a long day, our program offers something for everyone.


Group Sound Bath Immersions 

Group Sound Bath Immersions 

Let’s connect to create something unique and beautiful for you


Community and Private Events:

Please visit our experiences page to explore upcoming Community Sound Bath Immersions

Wellness Experiences

A restorative vibrational experience for the mind and body

Group Sound Bath Journeys and Soundscapes are a unique and therapeutic experience offered in a community or private space.

A powerful and transformative healing modality that can provide a profound sense of relaxation, rejuvenation, and inner peace.

A soothing sound experience facilitated to promote deep relaxation, inner peace and harmony, reduce stress, balance and support energetic alignment. 

Participants lay or sit comfortably on mats, chairs or blankets. Participants are welcome and encouraged to bring any item that further enhances their comfort.

 Harmonious sounds washing over them from frequencies and vibrations from various instruments such as Quartz crystal singing bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, Gongs, Drums, the voice and other instruments, gently massaging away mental and physical tension, reducing stress, and balancing the nervous system, supporting improved physical and mental well-being?

The sound waves and vibrations produced by these instruments are facilitated to enhance a deep state of relaxation, meditation, and rejuvenation.

Group sound baths encourage individuals to enhance the benefits of the sound therapy in a communal and supportive environment. The energy of the group can enhance the overall experience and create a sense of connectedness and unity among participants.

The gentle and calming vibrations produced by the sound instruments can help calm the nervous system, reduce stress, and promote a sense of peace and well-being. This can be especially beneficial for those who are dealing with chronic stress or anxiety.

Improved clarity, concentration and better focus can be achieved through Sound Experience.

Sound vibrations can sooth the mind, reduce mental chatter, and promote a greater sense of wellbeing . This can be particularly helpful for those who struggle with attention and focus issues.

Group sound bath experiences can balance and align the Chakras, which are energy centres within the body. The vibrations produced by the sound instruments can help to clear blockages and promote the free flow of energy throughout the body, resulting in a greater sense of balance and harmony.

A unique and transformative experience to enhance your well-being. With its numerous benefits for the mind, body, and spirit

A powerful tool for relaxation, stress relief, and overall wellness.

Participating in a group sound bath can be a deeply rejuvenating and transformative experience that can leave you feeling refreshed and revitalised. Promoting a sense of connection and community.

Joining together with others to experience the healing power of sound can create a sense of unity and shared experience, which can be both uplifting and comforting.

Join our sessions to unwind, release stress, and rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit in a supportive community setting

Workshops and Experiences: Explore the art, science and alchemy of sound healing through our workshops and Experiences, suitable for beginners and experienced practitioners alike.

Workplace Wellbeing

Let’s connect to create something unique and beautiful for you


Integrating well-being into the workplace. Transforming the definition of success.

Nurturing vibrant, well-balanced, and high-functioning work environments.

A comprehensive journey aimed at enhancing employee productivity in the corporate realm.

Sound Healing in the Workplace as a Path to Well-being. As businesses increasingly prioritise the overall well-being of their workforce, sound healing emerges as a powerful tool for boosting productivity creating a workplace where individuals thrive on multiple levels.

Supporting Productivity from Within: A Comprehensive Approach In today’s fast-paced corporate landscape, productivity isn’t just about completing tasks; it’s about nurturing every aspect of individuals—mind, body, and spirit. Companies are
recognising that genuine productivity flourishes when employees feel supported in all aspects of their lives.

Unlocking the Healing Power of Sound: A Holistic Method

Sound Healing soothing melodies inherent healing vibrations of sound to restore balance and well-being. Whether through the gentle hum of singing bowls or the resonant tones of tuning forks, sound healing creates an immersive experience that resonates with the deepest parts of our being.

Discovering Connections: Sound Healing and Productivity

The connection of sound healing and productivity is profound and impactful.

Ann Steyn Sound Healing can facilitate a more holistic approach to workplace productivity:

1. Reducing Stress, burnout, and Enhance Focus In our fast-paced work lives, stress is a common challenge. Causing burnout, which can lead to decreased job satisfaction, increased absenteeism and possible physical illness. Sound healing can support employees to manage stress, preventing burnout by promoting relaxation, reducing anxiety, and improving sleep quality.
Providing employees with a safe space to unwind, release tension, and cultivate a sense of focus and clarity crucial for productive work environment

2. Inspiring Creativity and Innovation Creativity flourishes in an environment where individuals feel connected and inspired. Sound healing nurtures this creative spark, fostering fresh ideas and innovative solutions to challenges.

3. Cultivating a Supportive Work Environment A supportive workplace encourages genuine connections and empathy among team members. Sound healing sessions create a space for employees to come together, creating a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose that fuels productivity.

4. Revitalising Energy and Passion Approach and complete tasks with passion and vitality Sound healing replenishes employees’ energy levels, leaving them feeling invigorated and ready to tackle challenges with renewed enthusiasm.

5. Reduced absenteeism Promoting overall well-being and addressing stress, anxiety and fatigue that can contribute
to employee absenteeism. Better physical health by reducing tension and promoting relaxation. Creating a more supportive and positive work environment, Sound Healing sessions can assist employees with ongoing self-management of stress levels, improve mental health, enhancing overall job satisfaction, leading to less absenteeism and increased attendance.

6. Enhancing creativity and innovation: Sound healing can stimulate the brain and activate different parts of the mind, leading to enhanced creativity, problem-solving, and innovation. This can be especially beneficial for teams working on complex projects or in highly competitive projects .

7. Boosting engagement and collaboration:  Promoting a sense of community and connectedness among
employees, sound healing can improve teamwork and collaboration. This can lead to higher levels of engagement,
increased motivation, and ultimately, better results in their performance

8. Improving workplace culture and retention:  A positive workplace culture is crucial for employee satisfaction and
retention. Investing in sound healing programs can create a more supportive, inclusive, and wellness-focused work environment retaining employees.

Holistic Integration of Sound Healing into Corporate Wellness

• Cultivate Relationships: Supporting an holistic aspect of well-being, ensuring that sessions are tailored to meet employees’ unique needs.

• Educate and Empower: Empower employees with knowledge about the benefits of sound healing through informative workshops and resources, fostering a culture of self-care and mutual support.

• Integrate Thoughtfully: Seamlessly incorporate sound healing sessions into the fabric of corporate culture, providing employees with regular opportunities for rejuvenation and renewal.

• Measure Impact: Assess the impact of sound healing on employee well-being through qualitative feedback and observations, recognising its role in promoting a more holistic approach to productivity. In the pursuit of productivity, it’s crucial to acknowledge that employees are multifaceted individuals with diverse needs and aspirations. Sound healing is a comprehensive tool to compliment your workplace well-being programme. Increasing productivity, morale and performance.
Creating a workplace where all levels of employees feel valued, supported, and encouraged to thrive.

A journey of holistic growth and flourishing within your workplace.

Playing a variety of soothing instruments and techniques to create a safe, supportive environment. Employees will be guided into a deep state of relaxation Sessions can be customised to meet the needs of your team, from one-time workshops to ongoing programs.

Sessions can be held from 60 minutes to 120 minutes. Some of the techniques I use include:

. Sound Journey experience: Participants lay or sit comfortably
. Immersed in Harmonious sounds and vibrations washing over them from sacred instruments, including singing bowls, chimes, drum, gong and the voice, guiding them to a state of deep relaxation and rejuvenation
. Guided meditations: Facilitating guided meditations with visualisation and harmonious sounds, promoting deep
relaxation, focus, and stress relief.
. Breathwork: Controlled breathing techniques.
1. Reduce stress
2. Clear and shift the mindset
3. Manage emotions
4. Improve sleep
5. Supports the immune system
6. Pain management
7. Relax digestive system- stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system, regulating digestion, can lead to improved
digestive function and reduced gastrointestinal discomfort
8. Mindfulness practices: Remain present and focused in the moment.